AbuuHaashim M. A. BOLAJI
(APRIL, 2020)
The importance of Hajj as a pillar of Islaam is undisputable. Though it is a must for those who merited its requirements to perform it at least once in their life time, its meritoriousness cannot but reinvigorates in every conscious Muslim who has the means to attempt to go for it again even after fulfilling its obligation earlier. Of course, there are those who are yet to be an absentee at Haram since their first Hajj! What will such individuals do considering the present situations of the Covid-19 pandemic? Islaam grooms its adherents to recognise every step of theirs from the angle of their sense of rationality. Is so-so action of his in compliance with the Maqaasid ash-Shar’iyyah? Should he go ahead or retract his steps?!
Thus, before us is an expository attempt at reaffirming the virtues and importance of Hajj and, at juxtaposing those with a number of sacrifices and precautions critical of the rites of Hajj amid the spread of Covid-19 pandemic.
In Quran 3 verse 97, Allaah obligated the rendition of Hajj on mankind as a duty owed to Him. Though it is a religious journey made only to the Ka’bah in Makkah. Every age-group of the Muslims can go on Hajj but it is obligatory only on every sane, adult male or female, once in his or her lifetime provided he:
Has enough wealth for the journey (even if it through proxy);
Has sound health and;
Could ascertain a danger-free trip to and fro it.
Additionally, for the female folks, it is stipulated that they have with them Mahram before they could embark on Hajj so as to save themselves from sinning while striving to amass rewards from Allaah.
Hajj is spiritually virtuous as:
The reward for its acceptability before Allaah is nothing short of Jannah;
It is the best of Jihad for the women folk;
It is one of the pillars of Islaam;
It is permissible to perform it on behalf one’s dead;
It is a special ‘Ibaadah requiring not only the consciousness and activeness of the soul and the body but also the financial capability;
It brings out the pilgrims sinless like a newborn;
It takes care of the residents who could not afford journeying for it;
It is cognizant of the nature of the female folks;
It is a display of obedience to the dutiful call to Allaah and;
It creates an avenue to display Allaah’s response to the angels on the reason behind creating man!
In the same vein, the importance of performing Hajj can thus be bulleted as the:
< Practicalisation of our comprehension about this tenet;
< Display of universality of Islaam;
< Brotherliness of the Muslims;
< Physical confirmation of Isaamic equality;
< Witness of the largest gathering of the Muslims on earth;
< Recollection of a number of the Prophets of old;
< Strengthening of sense of morality;
< Show of thankfulness to Allaah;
< Possibility of new-birth for a number of Muslims to change forever for good and;
< Reiteration on the certainty and reality of the last day.
The reality of covid-19 is no more disputable. However, shall we continue with the rites of Hajj even with possible detrimental and negative effects from the pandemic? Yet, a juxtaposition of this reality with the essence of Sharee’ah allows us to take a middle course here.
Allaah told us in the Qur’aan that we should not kill ourselves. Besides, prevention is always better than cure. The Prophet ‘alayhis-Salaam’s injunctions had been preventive of this kind of scenarios, however, the whole world refused to take to that and here we are with copious casualties from an epidemic that could be short-lived but has now been allowed to become pandemic!
Though it is possible that we might still ended up at a negative even after taking all necessary precautionary measures; we remain submissive to the Decree of Lord. All events are parts of His divine Decree; the outbreak of the disease and all attempts at curtailing it are part of what He decreed. Yet, we are expected to be reasonable about this.
Be that as it may, the foregoing are never attempts at suspending the activities revolving round making 1441AH/2020CE’s Hajj a reality. Rather, they are parts of the call to be cautious and proactive about achieving a hitch-free Hajj this year.
Having realised the sensitivity occasioned by the rapid spread of Covid-19, what is left for those saddled with the 1441AH’s Hajj is to get to work. It is desired that they come up with proper planning towards the successful rendition of this year Hajj during its season and to work against any possible poor performance on their scrutinised master plan.
Taking to a number of the suggestions stated here may be helpful. They are to be considered along with the already available and applicable health guidelines for Covid-19:
1- Exempting highly recorded Covid-19 cases’ countries from this year Hajj;
2- Restricting the number of the pilgrims from the permitted countries (such may include the aged and children);
3- Compelling Covid-19 tests for the would-be pilgrims both at the origin and destination of the journey for Hajj;
4- Providing constant positive health guidelines, talks, conspicuous placards on Covid-19 and;
5- Making all the locations for the Hajj’s rites compliance with social-distancing and all other health precautionary measures at curtailing the spread of Covid-19.
It is certain that none of the creation could escape the Decree of the Creator on it; yet, taking precautionary measures is equally not strange to Islaam as they are parts of the Decree itself. Therefore, a careful look at Hajj as it is expounded above amid the reality of Covid-19 pandemic should not be postponed. A consideration of its appendage suggestions is worthwhile at showcasing its justification and sensitivity. Thus, the Muslims all over the world could take repose in this piece in their preparations and aims to attend to 1441AH’s Hajj rites without having to get horrified!
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