Sunday, December 8, 2019

Wife Multiplication Project!

Al-hamduliLlaahi 'Alaa Kul-li haal!

Wa Allaahu Ta'aala 'A'lam!

Brothers talking on *'Wife Multiplication Project'*, I believe, their intention is driven towards encouraging us...

Though they based there analogy on what is apparent to them from their brethren dispositions...which is understandable.

Yet I presume we shouldn't be judgemental about that as perception varies.

In reality things are not or at least may not be as we are deeming...

No one can Know you more intimately than yourself o!

*Ohun ti Taye se t'ose ase'yege, ti Kehinde ba danwo olee buu l'owo!*

Since the understanding is there, *abuse buse!*

We'll cross the River - bi ithni Allaah - when we get there!

Aki awa Oni'waasi...aku akin;

Asi Ki awa Agbo'waasi pelu...k'osewu l'egberun ekooo...!

We ask Allaah to increase us with the love of what He speech and action...sincerely for His sake, aamiin.

Wa aakhiri da'waanaa Al-hamduliLlaahi Rabil-'aalamiin.

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