Monday, March 30, 2020


* difference!*

How would you judge man
In his present state?
One doing all he can
...resolving to fate?

Here he is with Covid-19:
From the media he can see it.
Now its reality is heightened...
Around him he is perceiving it.

Lock-downs, rush-shopping,
Social-distancing, self-isolating,
Hand-washing, face-masking,
Hand-gloving, food-rationing!

Governmental yearning...
Health-workers ordering...
Religious leaders sermonizing...
Parents counseling

But man kept nurturing himself
Contrary to...situation demands
Yet from prison rose Prophet Joseph
For submitting to his Lord's commands.

Soon it will be said:
"...was here yesterday;
But nowhere today
...not even on his bed."

The D-day is not exclusive
To denote the Day of Judgment
Nor does it mean being inactive
Prepare for it as you are meant...

Covid-19 is one;
For you to see it raw
Just like the tug-of-war.
Tell me if you have won?

- *AbuuHaashim M.A.Bolaji*

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