Sunday, October 6, 2019


*Who else could be The Best Speech-Maker...?* Hearing is sharper at night and seeing is most potent during the day, this explains the end of each of the verses below. The day and night via the rotation of the earth around it’s axis and the movement of the sun is one of the signs of Allaah. He didn’t make the earth static nor the sun. Knowing all this, *how would anyone deny Allaah's power and ability?* Q28 71. Say (O Muhammad ): "Tell me! If Allaah made night continuous for you till the Day of Resurrection, who is an ilah (a god) besides Allaah who could bring you light? Will you not then hear?" 72. Say (O Muhammad ): "Tell me! If Allaah made day continuous for you till the Day of Resurrection, who is an ilah (a god) besides Allaah who could bring you night wherein you rest? Will you not then see?" Therefore, anyone seeing himself with the ability to fathom the logic behind these expressions should rejoice...he has been rendered much goodness. *...و ما يعقلها إلا العالمون!* Writer: *AbuZayd Ibraaheem Raji* Editor: *AbuHaashim M. A. Bolaji*

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