Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Man primary obligation in life is to worship His Lord, His Creator - Allaah. He does that in line with his ability and capability.
However, he has the option to migrate (go on HIJRAH) to a comfortable location if he's threatened where he stays and couldn't carry out this responsibility .
Allaah says:
```“Indeed the angels ask those who they cause to die while they are oppressing themselves: “In what state were you?” When they reply: “We were weak and oppressed in the land.” The angels will respond saying: “Wasn’t Allaah’s earth spacious enough for you to emigrate?”
Such people will find their abode in hell; what an evil destination.”``` [An-Nisaa' (4): 97]
In other words, the obligation to make hijrah was one whose consequence was hell for those who did not agree to do so (AbuuAmeenah).
In an authentic narration in Sunan at Tirmidhi, the Prophet ('alayhis-Salaam) said:
“Hijrah will not end until repentance ends, and repentance will not end until the sun rises in
the west. Hijrah will not end until the end of this world.”
According to Abuu Ameenah (Dr):
_"The Deen is the solution.
Islaam is the solution. It is the solution for all of the problems of human society. That’s the bottom line. So, we do have to consider the circumstances that we are in and ‘Hijrah’ remains an obligation
on us until the Last Day. And Hijrah here doesn’t necessarily mean packing your bags and catching the next flight to Canada. The Prophet ('alayhis-Salaam)
had said: “The true muhaajir (the one who makes hijrah) is the one who abandons what Allaah has prohibited.” So, it’s about giving up, leaving.
If it means shifting your home or shifting your job or shifting your friends, your neighbors, or
whatever, you do the necessary changes to ensure that you live a life or we live our lives which are pleasing to Allaah Subhaanu Wata’alaa."_
```May Allaah help us with the doing of that which will end up bringing us ultimate goodness fid-Dunyaa Wal-Aakhirah, aamiin.```
AbuuHaashim M. A. BOLAJI
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