Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Nurturing Tomorrow's Leaders: Beyond Comfort to Character

In the dynamic landscape of parenting, it is essential to shift our focus from merely providing comforts to actively preparing our children for the challenges that lie ahead. In recent times, there has been a noticeable positive generational change among conscious Muslim families, particularly in places like Lagos.

Gone are the days when poverty defined the significance of religious choices like wearing the Niqab. Now, Muslim schools, established by conscious individuals, are offering education that exceeds standards, creating an environment where excellence is not just encouraged but expected. These schools have become a stronghold, not only in Lagos but also in other regions, from Abuja to Kaduna and Kano.

The shift doesn't stop at primary and secondary education; it extends to higher learning institutions. Muslim students are no longer known as dropouts but as scholars venturing into universities globally, from the Nile University to institutions in Egypt, Canada, the US, and the UK.

One of the challenges of the past, moving with the Niqab in public spaces, is slowly becoming a thing of the past. The support from like-minded sisters has created a sense of community, making it easier for women to practice their faith without feeling like strangers in their own cities.

Similarly, brothers have found support in practicing the Sunnah with beards and modest clothing. The difficulties faced in the past are gradually fading away as brothers find camaraderie in various settings, including programs, halqahs, and their children's schools.

Finding quality Sunnah-based madrasahs was once a challenge, but now, they exist in different cities, often in boarding house formats. The standards desired for Islamic education are met, and these institutions play a crucial role in nurturing the future generation.

Amidst this positive change, it's crucial to acknowledge and appreciate the individuals contributing to this transformation. These unsung heroes have faced trials to elevate the community. The key now is to harness these resources within different organizations and communities, providing ongoing support to those in need and guiding the younger generation.

As parents, it is our responsibility to expose our children to the realities of life, ensuring they are not over-pampered but well-prepared for the future. While the path may not always be rosy, instilling a strong reliance on Allah is the cornerstone of their success in both this world and the hereafter.

Our children are indeed on the brink of a promising future, and it is our duty to guide them toward a path of knowledge, resilience, and faith. May Allah make the knowledge and practice of the Deen beloved to their hearts, increasing them in 'Eemaan, and making them better than us. Ameen.

In this journey of parenting, let us unite and strive for a future where our children not only navigate the challenges of life but emerge as leaders who contribute positively to society.

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